伊利湖学院的认证 | 高等教育委员会


1913年,学院获得了美国大学的认证 高等教育委员会 North Central Association of Colleges and 学校. Since its beginning as a women's college and "little sister" of Mount Holyoke, Lake Erie College has grown into a co-educational college that offers a range of baccalaureate and graduate degrees.

Currently accredited by 高等教育委员会 (HLC), our 加盟状态声明 identifies us as an institution that meets the Commission's Criteria for 认证. 学院目前在 标准的途径 following a successful reaffirmation of accreditation visit in December 2017.

HLC认证提供客观, peer review of acceptable institutional quality and defines opportunities and incentives for quality improvement. 认证 is voluntarily sought by institutions and is conferred by non-governmental agencies and is needed to ensure students are eligible to apply for financial aid and that the institution is eligible to apply for certain grants.


高等教育委员会 南拉萨尔街230号,7-500套房 芝加哥,伊利诺伊州60604 电话:800.621.7440


Lake Erie College is authorized by the state of 俄亥俄州 by the 俄亥俄州 Department of Higher Education (ODHE) to offer select undergraduate and graduate programs. 有关ODHE的更多信息可在 http://www.ohiohighered.org/.


Many of our programs are additionally accredited by discipline-specific accreditators. 欲了解更多信息,请查看 特定学科认可 列表.


Lake Erie College has been approved to participate in the National Council for 国家授权 Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA).

NC-SARA is the organization that establishes national standards for postsecondary distance education. The NC-SARA accreditation allows Lake Erie College to offer exceptional online, 远程学习课程和项目.


  • 阅读支持计划

    The Lake Erie College 阅读支持计划 is a fully online program that meets 俄亥俄州's requirements for adding a reading endorsement to an existing teaching license. Lake Erie College is accredited and approved by the Council for the 认证 of Educator Preparation (CAEP) as well as the 俄亥俄州 Department of Higher Education. Candidates who successfully complete the program and pass all associated state licensure exams are eligible to apply and be recommended for the reading endorsement. Completion of this program may not meet education requirements for a reading endorsement in another state. If you are planning to pursue a licensure endorsement in a state other than 俄亥俄州, it is strongly recommended that you contact the appropriate licensing entity in that state to seek information and guidance regarding endorsement requirements before beginning this academic program. 联系艾米·马克约翰,邮箱:amymarkijohn@lec.Edu有更多问题.

  • Mild-to-Moderate Intervention Specia列表 Licensure Program

    The Lake Erie College Post-Baccalaureate Mild to Moderate Intervention Specia列表 (K-12) is a fully online licensure only program that meets 俄亥俄州 licensure requirements. Lake Erie College is accredited and approved by the Council for the 认证 of Educator Preparation (CAEP) as well as the 俄亥俄州 Department of Higher Education. Students who successfully complete the program and pass all associated state licensure exams are eligible to apply, and be recommended for the MMIS K-12 licensure in the state of 俄亥俄州. Completion of this program may not meet education requirements for a license in another state. If you are planning to pursue professional licensure in a state other than 俄亥俄州, it is strongly recommended that you contact the appropriate licensing entity in that state to seek information and guidance regarding licensure requirements before beginning this academic program. Reach out to Professor and Coordinator of Special Education Dr. 凯蒂·戴维斯katiedavis@lec.Edu获取更多信息.

  • 医师助理计划

    成为认证私人会计师(PA- c), a graduate must pass the Physician Assistant National Certifying Exam (PANCE), 一个基于计算机的, multiple-choice test comprised of questions that assess basic medical and surgical knowledge. PANCE is administered by the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants. 更多信息可以在www上找到.nccpa.网.

    In addition, students must obtain state medical board registration/licensure.  A PA may not begin working as a Physician Assistant in any state until he/she has successfully passed the PANCE AND has been licensed/registered by the state in which they practice.  Failure to complete these steps is practicing without a medical license and is a felony.  Students are responsible for ensuring they obtain all required licenses and certifications.  Lake Erie College is not responsible for registration or licensing; the student is solely responsible for all such requirements and verifying they have the proper authorizations to practice medicine.  More information on state licensing can be found at http://www.aapa.org/career-central/become-a-pa/

    Reach out to PA Program Coordinator Sean Kramer, MSHS, PA-C at skramer@lec.Edu获取更多信息.

U.S. 各州披露清单

See which of our programs licenses meet requirements in other states.

For specific information regarding accreditation at Lake Erie College and specific institutional data:


自然科学与数学学院院长 化学副教授

1 (440) 375-7352


